To Gudibak (again) and Nunu
Song: 'The Best Is Yet To Come' -- by: Stacey Kent (--> I luuuuurve this one!)
Gudibak! Deeuu... yang baru ganti nama and ganti kulit. Hehehe... the background's better now. Mana nih postingan Mimpi-nya?? Btw, pegimane? Sukses kaga bikin link-nya? Kalo kaga: click Template --> Edit current --> scroll down ke bawah sampe lo nemu yang ada tulisan 'Edit Me'-nya, trus lo ganti alamatnya ke alamat link yang lo pengenin. Easy ain't it?
NUNUUUU...!! (Ladies and gents, this is the famous mystical creature that we've been talking about..) Yaaay! Akhirnya... ketularan bikin blog juga dikau. Ngahahahah! >=] Posting yang banyak yah! Especially the cynical ones... ;P
Alright, enough about them.
I had a good day today, 'cuz finally... me dapet ACC kontrol 1!!!!! Hurrraaay!!! \(^o^)/ *jingkrak2 on the bed* Yah, meskipun tadi gue diomelin gara2 belum bayar GTSL-nya sampe lunas... abisnya ada yang bilang kalo dia belum bayar GTSL-nya samasekali tapi udah boleh insersi... siapa ya?!?
AAAAAAGHHH!!! Why can't I have that bloody Little Voice dvd?? Why, Lord, WHY?!? (---> Kaga nyambung, I know. But who cares? My blog, my rules.)
Btw, I got a question. Do you always need a reason to hate?
Because y'see, I hate someone, let's call this person B, and I already hated B since long, long time ago. And now that I decided to try to like B, I can't! I tried to find the reason why I hate B, but I couldn't find one. I don't know why I hate B, I just do.
Am I being denial? I mean, could it be? That the reason is actually there but I just, y'know, refuse to see it? Yes, I do understand that the real question is 'do I want to like B?'... but to my nightmare, my honest answer to that question would be 'No'...!! (Talk about the devil...) Is that why I avoid any reason exists?
Oh, crap. Nonton film Korea aja ah...
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