Thursday, May 19, 2005

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Out of topic bentar... today's another laaahzee daaayh!! Seharian cuma baca buku doang... (cuma PL sekali, abis itu sok jadi observer sampe jam 11, abis itu baca buku lagi) not that it's a bad thing though...remembering my so-called target to finish them 3 books piled somewhere someplace...

Bukannya males baca, tapi pas mood lagi tinggi, I always mentok di ritual2 ngga guna (yang mana ritual2 ndak guna ini sebaiknya ndak dibahas. Move on!), and ujung2nya pasti kecapekan, nempel bantal and tewas sampe pagi. Btw, talking about mood yang lagi tinggi, dari minggu kemaren I'm dying to create something artsy... y'know. A painting, a sketch, a chapter, a scene, or even a video! (Abby and Nixie dah jadi victim sebenarnya... tapi kok malah ketagihan ya mereka??)

The ideas' coming like tsunami!

Okay, so it wasn't that extreme. I still got my sanity for Goodness sake. It was more like a wave. No, no, waveS, with an 'S'. Tapi ya itu tadi.... I got stuck on something else, and jadinya nggak tersalurkan deh. But the idea still lingers sih... just wait for the right time, I guess.

(yang nampaknya nggak dateng2... >_<;)

Btw, sebenernya me still ragu...should I continue this thing I'm doing? The whole blogger thing? I mean, that'll be like sharing my thoughts to EVERYONE. The problem is... I don't trust people. (Not very easily, at least)

I don't trust people with my thoughts and notions, because...well, not meaning to be judgemental by saying people are judgemental, but that's the way things are. (Trust me, I know.) I don't name names, but it's true. But in the other hand, it's like the urge to put satanism into the naives, y'know. Constructive destruction, Chuck would say. (Not saying that what I have in mind is misleading, and that people are more naive than I am, but who am I to say? I'm no God, so you'll never know)

Life is good when you have the power to intimidate.

So, I guess I'm continuing this.

---> That's also because the idea of having this blog as my own world and my own creation intrigued me. And seeing those many blogs out there, I say it's obvious that we all love to play God and create things the way we please. And that in a way, we all want to be heard.

(Do we not? )


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